unXeptalbe protests in Israel and around the world have been postponed until further notice. We arel collaborating now with many Jewish and other organization endeavoring to offer support to the Israeli people at this time of need. Please stay strong.
Declaration of Purpose
We are a grassroots group of concerned Israelis, American Jews, and allies from the Greater Philadelphia region. Like our brothers and sisters in Israel, we are extremely worried by the attempts of the current Israeli government to strip the judicial branch of authority. A series of blitz legislations, including the override clause (1), cancellation of the reasonableness standard (2), and the coalition’s guaranteed majority on the Judicial Selection Committee (3), would leave the courts without any meaningful power, and subject to the whims of politicians. It is more than likely that Prime Minister Netanyahu, who is currently on trial for multiple corruption charges, and Shas’s Chairman Aryeh Deri, who Netanyahu was forced to dismiss due to his criminal convictions, will take advantage of these laws, if they are enacted, to ignore the court’s decisions and remain in power. Thus, the proposed judicial overhaul poses a clear and present danger to the rule of law in Israel; if successful, Israel will cease to be a liberal democracy.
Hundreds of thousands of Israelis recognize the urgency of this moment and have been protesting all across the country for more than ten weeks. Like the broad-based protest movement in Israel, our group consists of diverse individuals from all across the religious and political spectrum. We do not receive financial support from any organization in Israel, the U.S., or elsewhere. What unites us, despite our differences, is the belief that Israel must be a liberal democracy to thrive. It must be a democracy that cherishes human rights and protects minorities. The plans of the current government have immediate and far reaching consequences for Jewish people around the world. Revoking the grandchild clause (4) would deny many Jews the opportunity to make Aliyah; pressure from ultra-Orthodox coalition parties could outlaw movements like Women of the Wall and prohibit liberal, inclusive prayer at the Western Wall (5).
American Jewry has always played a vital role in making the state of Israel a welcoming home for all Jews. You are our partners in securing our beloved country’s prosperous future. We invite you to join this struggle for a democratic Israel, and assure you that we act out of love and with a deep out of a deep commitment to our country . The Torah commands us not to stand idly when our neighbor is in trouble; in these desperate times that, might see the end of Israeli democracy, we need you to stand with us.
We invite you to meet with representatives from our movement to learn more about our activities: please contact Shani Amram at Shania53@gmail.com to talk more and schedule a meeting.
Todah Rabah,
The Greater Philadelphia Movement for a Democratic Israel
The complete About unXeptable flier
UnXeptable Philadelphia 2023